Hello Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers...........
We are about to enter a new state, Illinois. It seems like it was
only yesterday sometimes that we were in Delaware and then other times it seems
like that was a long time ago. We have been so blessed meeting all of the people
across America. We have met people from all over the world and been able to share with
them as well, as they with us. Katy Did said it is like being in another country sometimes.
The vast differences in our country is amazing. The soil, land, plants, trees and foods, as well as accents in people vary so much. It is like leaving the country in a way. We are doing this hike as
a mission trip and we have experienced things that you would here about on a mission trip, too.
We have escaped poisonous snake bites, Tick born illness, mosquito invasions, sun sensitivity,
thunder storms, ankle deep mud, mountains and busy hi-ways and much more. We have been treated
to the circus, mission homes, hotel stays, camp ground stays, pizzas, breakfast, lunches and more...
What a blessing it has been. We have walked through more corn than we have ever seen up this
close, miles and miles of corn in every direction. It is a wonder we still have hungry people in this world. We have enjoyed the flat land and the bike trails we have been off and on through Indiana. We have made new friends for life and some became like our family. We will miss Indiana and all of you that have touched us in one way or another. We are headed to Chicago and then turning towards Denver, Co. and west we go. If you would like to walk or bike with us a while we invite you to come join in Our Walk In Love across America. We just had our first to cycle with us 10 miles of our
journey, that was a blessing to us. Thank you for your support back home and all of your prayers. We would like to say a special Thank you for all of your prayers for KatyDid and her Lyme's disease, we needed them very much. Please continue them.
God Bless and Happy Hiking and We Love You ALL
First Flat tire |
Escaping the sun and lunch break |
KatyDid enjoying the tracks |
MILES of this BEAUTY |
Setting up Camp |
Wonderful Polish Food...ALL Homemade meats and pastries |
Rail Trail |
Golden Wheat |
Pretty Rail Trail Bridge |
KatyDid blowing Cottonwood tree seeds like snow |
Rail Trail |