Well we are now in Utah and continuing westward sort of. We will actually be heading south for a while and then west and then north and so on. We have finished Nevada and are somewhat different people now. Walking across Nevada will change anyone to some point. The land is so diverse yet monotonous. You walk through valleys that you can see the end, but you do not know if you will ever get there. It may take a couple of days to get to the next mountain range. You can walk 50+ miles and find an old roadhouse that has a café, bar, camping, gambling and a couple of rooms for rent, or you might not find anything for 80+ miles, not even water. Most of the people you meet are fellow travelers with various methods of transportation. Some are cyclists, motorcycle riders, rvers, and car drivers. Some are crossing the country, crossing Nevada and some are just travelling around this country with no certain path. We all had one thing is common though when we met. We were happy to meet other travelers in the middle of nowhere. We have been greeted with much kindness from many people from Nevada and we have received some other types of greetings also. Nevada is not a place for the faint of heart. It gives you a glimpse of what it must have been like in the wild west to have traveled out here for gold and land. We have been through sandstorms, thunderstorms, sweltering heat and frigid temperatures. We have climbed to over 10,000ft elevation and descended to under 4,000ft elevation. We have seen elk, deer, pronghorn antelope, rattle snakes, weasels, and a mad cow on the verge of death defending her calf. We have seen eagles, hawks, jack rabbits and lizards, lizards, lizards, even a horny toad. Nevada is a rugged, wild, beautiful place and we will always remember our walk across Nevada.
Hello Nevada |
Lake Tahoe |
Time to climb |
Virginia City |
Virginia City (we had to pay 1 dollar for this photo) |
Dried Lake |
This is an active sea plane |
Fort Church hill |
Sunset on Sand Mountain |
An old castle |
An old road house |
A days journey |
We love BLM land. This is how we camped across Nevada |
A little night hiking to beat the heat |
A big pot of gold |
Taking up camp early in the morning |
Great Basin National Park |
Great Basin NP |
Great Basin NP |
Great Basin NP |