Let the little Children come unto ME......

Hello Friends, Family, and Fellow Hikers,

    Happy New Year! It has been some time since we last posted anything on our adventures or what we have been doing lately. Well, here we go......
    We are at Camp Comeca in Cozad, Nebraska for the winter. It seems as though this is where the Lord would have us for now and it seems to be where we were needed most. We have been helping with the retreats, groups, kitchen,  life guarding and much more. We just had a blessed New Year here at Camp Comeca. The reason behind the title of this blog is because of ALL the children we just had here at Camp.
      We just had a Holiday Camp for children in the surrounding areas that might not have been getting much for the Holiday season. This was a emotional and blessed event to be able to be part of. We had 19 children for 4 days of camp. Most of these wonderful children suffered from behavior issues, emotional needs,broken homes and were on some sort of medications. This is very sad to us to see such gifts from God be in these kinds of situations. The scripture says,  Let the little children come unto me.....
    Well, these little children came to camp sad, crying , hurting, not trusting anyone,  not smiling and needing LOVE, true UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and that is just what they got from ALL of us here at Camp Comeca. 
         We began to see tears turn into smiles and fighting turn into laughter and quietness turn into the joys of happy children. We experienced children wanting hugs and love and sibling rivalry turn into sharing and giving.  We had devotion everyday and praise and worship times and we all learned to put others before ourselves. We watched as the devotional reading came to life and was being put into action by these little ones. What joy it brought to all of us to see and witness CHRIST's LOVE blossoming in each of these children daily. Through out the week the children would ask questions on the bible and  what does humble mean, or what does mercy mean and they would listen. We had many trials and prayed for patience daily but it was all worth it,  to see how GOD was moving to melt the hearts of the hurting . We got to  to see the scared ones begin to trust and to want love in the return of a hug. This was heartbreaking but touching and the best gift one could ever ask for. What a blessing it was to be part of making a difference in the lives of one of these little children. 
          We watched children's eyes begin to sparkle when they were in the kitchen making candy for the first time, and when they made pizza for their party or decorated something with their artistic creativity. They saw something they created on their own  and it was amazing to see such accomplishment on each of their little faces glowing back at you. We watched as fears fell away as each of them went sledding for their first time down the steep snowy mountain hill and trusting that you to be there to catch them at the bottom. This to me is the true meaning of  this season, and that is to show UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to those who need it most. We all could learn a lesson from these children and that is how to truly give love in return and to hug like there is no tomorrow. What a blessing it was to be part of this wonderful gift. Thank you to all of the little children.....
           Jesus said, Come unto me..... We should be the example of this for all to see.

                                     God Bless ALL of the little children!!!


Jennifer... GentleFir

                                                         The Little Children...

KatyDid loving in return

Gift Exchange and Sharing

KatyDid making smiling faces

Grounded Haug and Dusty teaching team building games

Miracle and Payden playing candy cane team building games

Decorating Cupcakes for dessert

KatyDid snuggling some of the little ones

KatyDid loving the smiles on David's face

Some of the children waiting to go sledding

Their parachute

The children smiling under the parachute

They love KatyDid, see the SMILES

Sara giving LOVE

Candy Cane races....See the laughter