Hello Everyone....Greetings from the trail.
We are finally back on the trail due to the snow starting to melt. Our trail
angel Mrs. Serinda dropped us off where we stopped in Milton, DE and off we went. We hiked 19.5 miles the second day on the trail. We walked along icy snow covered roads, beside farms and fields all day. We walked through Redden State Forest and stopped for lunch at their pavillion. Here we ate an array of food out of our hiker pack. We had ramen noodles, spinach bagels, spicy tuna, hot green tea, cheeze its, pnut butter, nutella, dried fruits, donut holes and strawberry creme rolls. WOW, what a strange meal....but we are living out of a bag. From here we hiked along more roads and beside sheep farms and grain farms and even chicken houses. I thought we were done with chicken houses when we left Al. We were picked up by another trail angel and treated like family at their house. Friday morning they slack packed us without our heavy packs due to the rain chances. This was a huge blessing. We hiked 18 miles on this day. We made it through Delaware in 2 1/2 days and into Maryland. One state down, we walked in and out of rain all day on Friday. Grounded Haug and KatyDid cooked hot ramen noodles on the side of the road while I ate dried fruit. We road walked all day and most of the roads did not have a shoulder to walk on so it was kind of dangerous and it was not marked well. We have blisters and sore feet due to all of the road walking. Our trail angel picked us up in Denton, MD and took us back to their home for rest and relaxation. Here they have treated us like family. We have had wonderful meals, great fellowship and it has been such a blessing to be treated as a christian brother and sister by complete strangers. We have been truly blessed thus far into our journey. We took the day off due to blisters and rain today. We may walk tomorrow or go to church with them. Keep us in your prayers and all of our trail angels also in your prayers. Thank you
God Bless and Happy Hiking