Washington D.C. Trip and National Harbor

       We hiked from Bowie to Greenbelt 22 miles. It was our longest day yet very painful but yet very BLESSED. Our friends put us up at National Harbor for a few days and took us all over D.C. and were our personal tour guides. What a blessing they are.
       While we were almost done with our hike on Saturday we met a lady named Violet, from Russia, we were able to share the gospel with her. While we were talking with her another couple came up and we were able to share with them and they asked to pray with us. It was such a blessing to be in the middle of God's creation on a trail by the water and circle up in prayer with complete strangers all from different backgrounds and pray together. That is what this trip is all about, sharing God's Love. Mrs. Chris came to pick us up and took us to our room for the night and she would get us in the morning for D.C. touring.
        We started the day off at the Nations Capital and from there we toured the mall, the National Botanical Gardens, History Museum, had a picnic in the park and then checked in at National Harbor Resorts. We had dinner with the Weaber Family and then walked down at the water front and toured Gaylord Resorts and shops. KatyDid walked the red carpet for the first time ever and she was a hit. Thanks Mr.Lee and Mrs. Chris!!
         On Monday morning we started with omelets made to order for us by Mr. Lee and then off to D.C. again, this time in the rain. We all pulled on our rain gear and off we went walking and sloshing in the puddles to see the sites of our Nation. We started at Thomas Jefferson's Memorial, then walked around the tidal pool to FDR Memorial, then on to Martin Luther King's Memorial. All of these sites were amazing and saddening. We then continued on our journey to WW2 memorial, then the United States History Museum and this is where KatyDid saw all of the first ladies dresses and china. We then went to the National Art Museum and the Castle and original Smithsonian and the reflection pool. We then went back to the resort and went down to the waterfront for Pink Berry Yogurt and more shopping. WOW, what an adventure it has been for KatyDid so far.
         Tuesday morning we checked out of the resort and had a rental car for all of our gear and drove around D.C. again for more sight seeing. We went to the National Cathedral and it was beautiful. We also drove to Virginia and  all around down town and just took in the sights by car. We have ended our day at a hotel preparing for a long 20+ mile day in the morning. Our feet and knees and feeling a little better and I pray they continue to heal. Please keep our family in constant prayer as we need them.

The Lord is Merciful and Loving...

Backpacking Believers