Greetings to All of our Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers,
Well the title of this blog post says it all. We are taking on a new adventure for the Summer and Fall of this year. We as a family are moving to the high mountains of Colorado. We will be living at 8500 feet on the border of Colorado and New Mexico. We will be living in the Sangre De Cristo mountains.
We will be working on a private ranch that ranges from 8000' to above 14,000'. We will be taking out guided hikes through the alpine forests, taking out trail rides on horseback, cooking wild game, jeep tours, elk hunts, fishing trips, farming and putting up hay and lots of hospitality, good food and making memories.We are excited about the new challenges and the new adventures before us.
On Katlyn's Lyme's disease, we already have Katlyn lined up with Lyme's doctors. She will be starting a natural treatment of herbs and vitamins and immune boosters. Please continue to pray for her and of course all of our family.We will be posting weekly updates and stories of what we have been doing.We hope that we will be a witness to all we meet. This is new territory for us and we can not wait for this adventure to start. Please stay tuned and watch for updates and photos of this upcoming part of backpacking believers.
Please continue to pray for our family. If you want to learn more about where we are going or what we are doing please call or email us.
We love you All,
Jennifer "GentleFir"
Backpacking Believers