Walking in Love Across America!

To all of our friends, family,  fellow hikers and fellow Christians,
we are getting prepared to embark on a mighty journey as a 
family. For those of you that have offered support we would like to Thank you. To all of you who have not heard what we have been practicing for here it is.......
We are going to walk across America !
We will be following this path  from sea to shining sea or from coast to coast. We will be backpacking, carrying our home on our shoulders and leaning completely on faith in God. We will be starting our journey on March 21st and will be returning when completed. We are hoping to be used of God to glorify his kingdom. We want to help people along the way with prayers, service projects, feeding the hungry, helping the widows and whatever the Lord puts in our paths. We need all of your prayers as we embark on this mission as a family. We are raising some support financially as well as gift cards to outdoor stores, Walmart and food and hotel places. If anyone feels led to help us in any way please contact us privately or message us through email or phone, text, or Facebook. We are excited and will be needing all of your prayers. This walk will be using 1/3 road walking, 1/3 rail trails/city sidewalks and 1/3 single track through the wilderness for around 5000 miles give or take. We want to Thank you for your love, prayers and support.
If you have any questions please contact us. We do have a donation account opened.

God Bless You
Happy Hiking 
Backpacking Believers


"Taking the love of Jesus to every elevation across our nation"