A Quote to Live By......

       Let my heart be broken by that which breaks the heart of GOD

We have this saying on our wall in our home in several places as a constant reminder to keep a tender heart for all we meet in our busy days. I feel like if we try daily to live by this one saying then the world we live in might become a better place. I think the little things in life can become the Big things to another person we may meet. What I am trying to say is expressing a small smile to a stranger or saying hello; how are you, to someone you do not even know. This quote is a powerful saying and if we all take it to heart and really think about what it is really saying and apply it to our lives, just think of what we may be able to do and better than that but to  be used of GOD. How wonderful would that be? Lets try to touch others lives and our own as we walk each day in newness of heart.

Happy Hiking,