The Last Few Days......Zero Days

Greetings Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers,

              We have been held up these last few days due to the terrible
 weather around our Nation. We call the no hiking days, Zero Days. We
have been truly BLESSED though,  as we have had these days to be encouraged by the LORD and HIS followers. We have had a wonderful time here in W.V. still at the Brenneman's home. Yesterday,  we were picked up and treated to lunch and then supper again by Mr. and Mrs. Hemlick. Dick and JoAnne have treated us like family. They had us for lunch and to meet their breakfast group and had us share our mission with them. It was wonderful to be able to share with others the love of our Lord.
              Mr. Dick and Mrs. JoAnne, then took us out for supper at a nice Italian place to eat. Of course,  this was after taking us around towns to resupply and to replace items that we needed. We had a blessed Jesus filled day with them. We then made it home to the Brenneman's again and fellowshipped with them again until late into the evening. I feel you can never get enough Christian, Godly fellowship. It is always a joy to be surrounded by fellow believers who have a hearts desire to share with one another.
              Today;  being Wednesday, we were loaned a truck to run back to Walmart to exchange some things by Mr. Lawrence Brenneman. This family too, has been such a wonderful blessing to us. They have opened their home up to us and treated as a family member. GOD is so good.  While we were out in town we wanted to find a Mexican place to eat at for KatyDid. We could not get our phone to work or to pick up where we were so we knew where to find Mr. Dick and Mrs. JoAnne. What did we do? We went to ask them where we could go for Mexican and he said he knew the perfect place and he  would even go with us. What a blessings it has been to be here. Well, KatyDid got her Mexican food ...first time since leaving Alabama. Thank you Mr. Dick and Mrs. JoAnne. Also Thank you to Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Judy for the truck. We had a wonderful meal and more wonderful fellowship.
             We will be going back to Pinto Mennonite church tonight for a meal and services and of course, good fellowship. Lord Willing, we will be hiking tomorrow. Continue to keep us in your prayers.

Many Blessings,
Backpacking Believers
Gentle Fir