Time to Get Movin! Again

Good Morning,

     Or whatever time it is where you are. It is time to be back on the road and have some fun and relaxation. We have a busy 2 or 3 months planned so maybe we will have time to blog, who knows. Well we have left Colorado and headed to Nebraska and then down to Missouri and Arkansas. Not much relaxation yet, but I know we will have some one of these days. So lets get started!

     Ok so first I will talk about our mode of transportation. We have had a Subaru Outback for a couple of years, but we were still having to tent camp or rent lodging since we travel mostly in the colder months. So we bought us a teardrop camper that would not limit us on destinations. This is the Outback edition. Funny huh? We wondered if we should change our blog to Outbacking Believers. LOL!

These stickers represent many of the places we have driven to and from. The stickers at the top are
from National Parks we have visited. There are 58 national parks and 418 NPS properties. Top of
my bucket list is to visit all of them. As we journey we will add more stickers, so here we go, lets
add more stickers.

November 16th, 2018
Ready to head out on our 2018-2019 winter road trip.

Buffalo Bill Cultural Center in Oakley, KS

The Geographical Center of the Lower 48 states.
What this means is if you made a map of the lower 48 of equal thickness across.
This is the point where the map would perfectly balance on a point.
Pretty neat Huh?

The Homestead National Monument of America
This place commemorates the Homestead Act. This Act allowed people to claim up to
160 acres for their family as long as they resided on it for 5 years and improved it.
Would't that be nice now? 
I have always loved travelling across the Midwest. The wide open prairies and beautiful sunrises and sunsets always seem to amaze you no matter how many times you see them. The people are some of the nicest you will meet, and the wildlife is always in abundance. I have heard some people say how boring it is to drive across Kansas and Nebraska. Well, I wonder if they ever stop and look at the beauty that is around them, because there is beauty everywhere. Imagine setting your cruise control 5mph under the speed limit. Stopping at all of those little brown signs along the way and actually enjoying the trip more than the destination. This is travelling.

Lord Bless your travels,
Grounded Haug